“Pelle Sundin of “PLMTRZ” started out early on as a guitarist in a cover band, but due to the drummer wanting to play guitar instead, Pelle made the instrument switch to fill the empty position and quite unexpectedly fell in love with it. He proceeded to drum for several bands for several years, in genres ranging from rock to metal.
In 2008, after developing an interest and taste for experimental, psychedelic and abstract sound design, he started producing psychedelic trance music under the name “Cyko”, with two EP releases and many live performances in Sweden and abroad. Venturing further into the world of music, he picked up a taste for lounge and chillout music and started the project “Viva Elevator” in around 2015.
Wanting to explore further, combining more organic, crackly sounds with a somewhat psychedelic sound design, PLMTRZ was born. With a big passion for surfing, nature and warm countries, this love is vividly expressed in his new work; a tropical, sonic dream. But with the reality of the rugged, cold fall and winter of the Viking country slapping you in the face. Heavy, nature-like synths and instruments, hypnotizing melodies and organic layers gently resting on a bed of deep 808 bass characterize PLMTRZ music.